Cyclical Living: Embrace the Cycles of Nature at Home
In this blog post, I explore why to follow the cycles of nature at home - and how to do that while respecting Mother Earth.
Conscious decluttering – 2 questions that you need to ask
Conscious decluttering is a thing! Learn those 2 questions that make your decluttering process more conscious.
How to make your home more beautiful and why it matters?
Do you have a beautiful home? This post talks about what is a beautiful home and how to make your home more beautiful.
5 Ways How To Reduce Stress And Enhance Wellbeing At Home
Learn 5 ways to reduce stress and enhance wellbeing at home. And transform your home into a space of wellbeing and healing.
How to bring more balance into your life?
Balance is a beautiful place to be in and is something we all search for. But how to bring more balance into your life?
5 home decor tips that heal your Solar Plexus chakra
This post brings your inner power and self-esteem front and center of your home to support your Solar Plexus chakra healing. Read more.
An easy way to cleanse your home of negative energy
Learn a simple method to cleanse and clear you home of negative, stagnant and darker energy.
Create space for new by decluttering your home
Are you ready to change your life?Learn a decluttering method for your home that genuinely makes space for newness in your life.
Create a Healing Home, Energy Work & Clearing, Healing Decor, Inner Safety, Unleash your true nature
6 ways to increase the feeling of inner safety at home
When you are conscious of your inner safety, it is everywhere. Turn this to your advantage and add elements in your home to support your safety within.
A blessing that protects your home from negative energy
It is so vital that you protect your home energetically. When you do that, it helps you prevent unwanted, negative energies from coming into your home.