Studio ETTINORDIC designs spaces from love for individuals and companies. These spaces serve as the nurturing sanctuaries for body, mind & soul. 

A New Earth Interior Design Studio


Studio ETTINORDIC designs spaces from love that serve as the nurturing sanctuaries for your body, mind, and soul. 

These spaces heal by helping you return home to yourself and live in alignment with your deepest desires and highest potential.

Each space is designed to respect Mother Earth and the inspiration is drawn from the harmony of Nordic nature. The aim is to use as many non-toxic, sustainable, natural, and organic materials as possible, because I highly value the well-being of people and planet Earth.

I love timeless design and like to decorate with second-hand items. Also your beloved furnishings hold a special place in the design narrative, seamlessly integrated into the overall plan to create a home that feels uniquely yours. 

I want the spaces to function like a smoothly flowing river. Every corner and object has its purpose and space – yet they harmoniously fit into each other.

The energy vibration is an essential part of these beautiful and harmonious spaces – and so my interior design always includes energy work in all stages of the process. This can look like working with Mother Earth energies to bring nature to you, clearing the energy of the space or activating the energies for your highest good. 

In these spaces, you become one with love, beauty, harmony and healing.

Essi's energy and presence are truly captivating.

Each Project Is Unique And Tailored To Your Needs


Each interior design project is as unique as the individuals behind it, each with its own needs and preferences. You may only desire a touch of guidance to shape your vision before you start working on the space yourself, or you may also seek comprehensive support from start to finish.

Many of my clients love to be involved in the process and do some parts themselves—this is highly welcomed, as I love working as a team! It will also save you money.

While I primarily do my design work remotely, regardless of your location, larger projects always call for an in-person visits to ensure every detail aligns seamlessly.

This is the full process of working together:

1. Soul-level Review & Vision

After the FREE intro call, the steps are:

1. Creating a design brief based on your needs.

2. Diving into your heart & soul-level vision. (*Soul Vision of the Space Session, separate fee)

3. Creating a visual Mood Board (*Separate fee)

4. Signing a contract.

2. Finishes & Floor Plan

The focus is on the walls, ceiling, windows & floor.

1. Choosing interior finishes from floor to ceiling.

2. Drawing 2D & 3D Floor Plan.

3. Creating an indicative lighting plan (not an official one the electrician creates).

4. Doing a space energy clearing session.

3. Furniture Design & Procurement

Here, we focus on what’s inside the space:

1. Creating a plan for furniture, art, accessories, plants, lights & built-in furniture.

2. Creating a textile plan.

3. Creating a material board.

4. Procurement: A sample board for each room.

4. Installation & Styling

The final step is to decorate & style the space.

1. Installation of all the furnishing & lights.

2. Styling the space with all the accessories, plants, art, etc.

3. Activating the energies of the space.

4. Ceremony to open the space. (*Separate fee)

Budget & Pricing

Investing in THE SPACE

My clients often ask me how much they should invest in the space and furnishing. It is really up to you, and we can make the space look and feel amazing with any budget. But remember to always have a small extra budget to cover unexpected costs. 

My design fee combines all my know-how:

– 10+ years in global project & client relationship management.

– Over 20 years of Intuitive energy healing.

– Interior design & Feng shui expertise. I received my diploma in interior design from the Interior Design Institute in January 2024. 

Studio ETTINORDIC Interior Design Fee:

– Individuals: 95 EUR / hour 

– Companies: 95 EUR / hour + 24% VAT

*Separate Fees:

– Visual Mood Board Per Room, incl. colors, style, energy: Starting at 390 EUR (+ 24% VAT for companies).

– 1h Soul Vision of the Space Session: 235 EUR (+ 24% VAT for companies)

– 1h Ceremony to open the space: 235 EUR (+ 24% VAT for companies)

Book a FREE Intro Video Call


I’m passionate about serving individuals and companies who are here to create a positive impact that leaves a legacy of love behind. It’s essential for me that we share similar values, work as a team, and uplift each other. 

I would love to know you better and hear about your project. Contact me to schedule a FREE introduction video call to talk more!

Moving into a more than 100-year-old building and for the first time as a couple, it was important for us to seal this new beginning. Several people had lived in our new home - and this apartment had been the last home for a few of them. That's why we invited Essi to our new home to clear the energy of the space. We also wanted to experience a ceremony to support our important milestone of moving in together.

The session at home with Essi felt personal and intimate. It especially resonated with me when we created unique intentions for each room. After the energy clearing and healing, Essi shared what she had seen. The description was really to the point and touched us both. Afterward, we both felt light and purified. I warmly recommend Essi's services - and I have already done so for my friends. Especially when we are in the middle of newness and transformation, this was exactly what we needed. A warm THANK YOU!

I'm Essi Koski-Lammi


I’m an Inner Alignment Coach, Intuitive Healer, Channeler & Interior Designer – A New Earth Creator. My specialization is to help you find your way home to yourself and unleash your true nature for life without limits. 

IMAGINE finding your way home to yourself. Feel the magical power of nature flowing through you, urging you to be who you truly are and living a life without limits.

I know what it’s like to walk the path you’re on, as I’ve been there. I’ve traveled the world, journeyed within, and gained knowledge from wise mentors.

Now, I’m here for you.

You don’t wanna hear this, but we both know that the biggest barrier on your journey is yourself.

Do you dare to unleash your true nature?

Essi is an intuitive and heartfull healer & a coach who guides you with magical touch through your inner Universe. I highly recommend her services.