Create a Healing Home,  Energy Work & Clearing

A blessing that protects your home from negative energy

It is so vital that you protect your home energetically. When you do that, it helps you prevent unwanted, negative energies from coming into your home. You could see it as a neighborhood watch. But in this case, your home is being looked after and protected from the above.

At first, you might need to repeat this protection a few times. Then, when you feel it is diminishing, you should always recreate it.

This protection is a simple prayer – as prayer is the most effective communication method with the Universe. You can also choose your own words if you wish when saying the prayer. 

During this blessing, there is no need to burn any sage or palo santo. I have stopped burning them indoors, even though I love the smell so much. But when I moved away from my last apartment, I noticed how that smoke had gotten into my stuff. I then realized how toxic it had been to inhale the smoke in my tiny flat. Also, when you use prayer, you step into a more sustainable path of living. 

If you like to take something with you during this ritual, I suggest having a few crystals with you. Choose crystals with a protective and grounding vibe, such as Black Tourmaline and Hematite.

The blessing to protect your home

You can do this blessing where ever you want inside your home. 

Once you are in the chosen spot, close your eyes. 

Imagine your house/apartment inside a massive violet see-through bubble. You can also imagine a violet light spinning around your home, going around it, below, and above it. 

Then say these words – or anything similar:

I ask the Violet Light, Angels, and the Universe to protect and bless my home. Above. Below. Front. Back. Left side. Right side. Inside.
I ask Mother Earth to protect and ground my home.
In return, I protect you, Mother Earth.
Only love and light come into my home. My house is safe and protected.
Now and forever.
With gratitude, I say thank you for your protection.

That’s it. 

I often walk to the front door and bless it, too – as it is such a beautiful symbol to only allow good energy in.


Try it now and see if anything changes within you or inside your home!

Essi Koski-Lammi is an Inner Alignment Coach, Intuitive Healer, Channeler, and Interior Designer who started studying energy work and life coaching over 20 years ago. Now, she helps New Earth Creators create a conscious lifestyle to find their way home to themselves and unleash their true nature for life without limits. In her approach, she also brings her interior design skills into play, helping her clients create a home aligned with heart and soul.