Healing Home Column

The Healing Home Healed A Part Of Me

I will be honest with you: it took me years to start talking about healing homes.

I was scared and didn’t feel that the healing home concept was enough

It all seemed too unconventional, too “out there” for serious consideration. I also felt that my knowledge and skills were insufficient, and I feared rejection.

Despite these doubts, something deep within me persisted, urging me to follow this path. 

So, I leaped. I established ETTINORDIC and embarked on a journey of coaching and self-healing, drawing on my two-decade journey of self-discovery and energy work.

It was an affirmation that when we trust in ourselves and our unique journey and connect with the joy of creation, others are drawn to our authenticity and joy.

At the same time, I kept walking my self-healing path of increasing my self-worth and feeling enough. I also started to study interior design and rebranded my business. I had coaches, healers, family, and a few close friends around me, supporting me with every step. Most importantly, the Healing Home was always with me – it never rejected me, no matter how much I tried to deny it.

With each milestone in my healing journey, I felt more and more empowered to share my vision of healing homes. It got to the point that I had no other options. The truth wanted to come out of me.

Once it did, something remarkable happened—the fear disappeared, and it was replaced by a sense of joy and liberation.

I found myself laughing at my earlier hesitations. I found myself laughing at the things I posted on Instagram or my blog—not because I didn’t believe in them, but because I was happy and had so much fun creating the material. I felt like a child in an amusement park choosing the next ride while eating ice cream.

I didn’t care that I was a fresh graduate or that fewer interior design projects were on the market due to everything happening in the world. I didn’t care anymore about what others would think because I believed in myself and my vision. I allowed lightness to take over me, which brought me so much joy.

I felt it was more than enough. The Healing Home was enough. I was enough.

As I leaned into that truth, my reality began to shift.

Not long after, I signed my first dream design project: Piettolan Tila. It was an affirmation that when we trust in ourselves and our unique journey and connect with the joy of creation, others are drawn to our authenticity and joy.

The healing home had healed something within me.

Heal with me for a sec.

Look within to see, what is your “healing home” topic.

Then ask yourself, how could you safely talk more about that topic to others.

The Healing Home Column

This Healing Home Column follows Essi Koski-Lammi’s journey of connecting interior design and self-healing in her own life and the first interior design client project: transforming an old horse stable into a space where nature, leadership development, yoga, and healing meet at Piettolan Tila.

Essi Koski-Lammi is an Inner Alignment Coach, Intuitive Healer, Channeler, and Interior Designer who started studying energy work and life coaching over 20 years ago. Now, she helps New Earth Creators create a conscious lifestyle to find their way home to themselves and unleash their true nature for life without limits. In her approach, she also brings her interior design skills into play, helping her clients create a home aligned with heart and soul.