Healing Home Column

ETTINORDIC x Piettolan Tila: Is My Sensitivity Too Much?

For years, I’ve hidden my superpower—sensitivity—behind a self-made shield due to the fear of rejection. Growing up, I often heard how different I was and that my energy was strong. That made me dim my light and hide myself even more. Until recently, after a period of self-healing, I began to reveal my sensitivity even more to others.

As I’m now practicing showing it in my everyday life, I have moments when the thoughts of “being too much” kick in. Because it is my SUPERpower.

For example, today, I again confronted my fear and this negative belief that I’m too much during a remote energy-clearing session for Piettolan Tila’s horse stable (the space I’m designing).

This is what happened.

Now, let's be clear. This was not "my light" that I had channeled to the space. It was the light from the Universe I let in via my sensitivity.

I connected with Laura (the space’s owner) via video call and started the space energy-clearing session. I brought the energy of Mother Earth to this space to ground and protect it. I then built a crystal grid around it and cleansed the energy throughout the space. Meanwhile, Laura was in meditation and receiving an energy healing for herself: remember, your home is a mirror for your inner healing.

After the energy cleanse, I started activating the energy in the space. I allowed the light into the space in full glory via my sensitivity.

Immediately after that, I started hearing Laura breathing much faster. That triggered my fear to kick in: “Omg, this is too much, Essi, dim the energy.” I heard a voice saying in my mind. But instead of allowing the fear to lead, I became conscious of it, self-soothed myself, and, after a while, asked if she was okay.

She confirmed she felt a powerful energy, but she was feeling good; it was not too much. Hearing that helped me let go of my fear’s final bits. I allowed her to feel that powerful energy for a while because I knew it was for her highest good, and then I started harmonizing it.

Her breathing became relaxed. She told me that she was in harmony, feeling peaceful, trusting, amazing, and utterly excited. At the same time, a significant shift had taken place in her mind about how she saw the space and the business she was building there.


Now, let’s be clear. This was not “my light” that I had channeled to the space. 

It was the light from the Universe I let in via my sensitivity.

By shedding my shield, I activated this space for Laura’s highest good and helped her let go of old patterns that no longer served her.

My sensitivity wasn’t too much—it was exactly what was needed.

Heal with me for a sec.

Turn within and ask yourself: What is my superpower? And am I, too, hiding it? 

The Healing Home Column

This Healing Home Column follows Essi Koski-Lammi’s journey of connecting interior design and self-healing in her own life and the first interior design client project: transforming an old horse stable into a space where nature, leadership development, yoga, and healing meet at Piettolan Tila.

Essi Koski-Lammi is an Inner Alignment Coach, Intuitive Healer, Channeler, and Interior Designer who started studying energy work and life coaching over 20 years ago. Now, she helps New Earth Creators create a conscious lifestyle to find their way home to themselves and unleash their true nature for life without limits. In her approach, she also brings her interior design skills into play, helping her clients create a home aligned with heart and soul.