What is the Healing Home?
Discover the essence of a healing home where intuitive healing meets conscious design, enhancing well-being and reflecting your authentic self.
Transform Your Home – Discover the Power of Energy Clearing
This post talks about the power of energy clearing and dives deeper into a moment when I cleared the energy of a new century-old home.
6 Different ways that make your home toxic
In this blog I bring into your awareness 6 ways your home can be toxic in ways that you don't even know about. Read more.
5 Ways How To Reduce Stress And Enhance Wellbeing At Home
Learn 5 ways to reduce stress and enhance wellbeing at home. And transform your home into a space of wellbeing and healing.
An easy way to cleanse your home of negative energy
Learn a simple method to cleanse and clear you home of negative, stagnant and darker energy.
Create a Healing Home, Energy Work & Clearing, Healing Decor, Inner Safety, Unleash your true nature
6 ways to increase the feeling of inner safety at home
When you are conscious of your inner safety, it is everywhere. Turn this to your advantage and add elements in your home to support your safety within.
A blessing that protects your home from negative energy
It is so vital that you protect your home energetically. When you do that, it helps you prevent unwanted, negative energies from coming into your home.
Your home is your mirror
A lot is spoken about how the relationships are your mirror, but little is talked about how also your home is a true mirror of yourself.
6 ways to live in harmony
Close your eyes for a moment and repeat the word “harmony”. What comes up? I hear the orchestra playing, I see nature, inviting home, and a world where we all operate in peace. I feel love within. Harmony is one of my favorite words in this world, it simply has such beautiful high, in-tune vibration. When I look up the dictionary description of ‘harmony’ from Merriam-Webster, it says “pleasing arrangement of parts: Congruence” and ” internal calm: Tranquility”. I am sure we all want this but how can we achieve it? It starts with you and me. To create more…