Unleash your true nature

Revealing the Magic: What Is Channeling And How It Works

In the pursuit of spiritual growth, healing, and self-discovery, the term “channeling” often surfaces. But what does channeling entail, and how does it work?

What is channeling?

Channeling is a profound practice involving connecting with higher consciousness to receive and transmit information beyond immediate perception. Picture it as tuning into a cosmic radio frequency, where intuitive insights, spiritual guidance, and celestial messages effortlessly flow. This source might be higher consciousness, spirit guides, angels, your true self, or entities from other dimensions.

The channel, often called a medium or channeler, acts as a bridge for this information flow. It’s a unique form of communication that surpasses our typical senses, establishing a connection to higher realms and sources of inspiration and guidance.

Channeling is a profound practice involving connecting with higher consciousness to receive and transmit information beyond immediate perception

Practical ways to channel wisdom in your daily life

Channeling isn’t exclusive to mediums or channelers; it’s a universal practice accessible to everyone.

Individuals who channel direct inspiration, innovation, new insights, or energy with intention toward different things: personal growth, artistic expression, problem-solving, or various forms of positive impact. It can manifest consciously or unconsciously in multiple formats: speaking, writing, painting, cooking, creating art, listening, coaching, healing, singing, developing new technology, and more.

How it's done

Channeling typically involves entering an altered state of consciousness, allowing the channeler to attune to the energy or consciousness they aim to connect. This altered state can be achieved through various methods, including meditation, deep breathing, or specific rituals.

Through channeling, individuals become conduits for information, opening a unique path to spiritual insights, guidance, inspiration, and a deeper understanding of the unseen dimensions that influence our lives.

My way of channeling

I have channeled unconsciously and consciously for years via writing, energy work, coaching and intuitive healing. Recently, a new channel opened within me, and I now channel also via speaking.

All those channeling ways feel different. When I write, I leave my mind outside and type as fast as possible as the words flow through my hands.

During energy work, energy healing, coaching and intuitive healing, I channel higher dimensional beings who arrive into the space of healing for my clients. I see us together, working on the client’s energy and chakras.

When I channel via speaking, it is like there is a Source – a loving fountain bubbling information that is directed toward my clients. When I speak, I don’t know the information that comes out in advance. My speaking style changes into even calmer, deeper, and more peaceful style and sound – or it becomes fast and highly inspirational.

When I speak, I channel concrete advice for people’s everyday challenges so that they find clarity, focus, inspiration, and confirmation to make better decisions that direct them toward the life they truly love.

Look within your heart & soul

Are you searching for clarity, focus and certainty? Do you have questions about an aspect of your life that is not flowing? 

In my 1:1 Everyday Light Channeling, I channel practical advice and healing for your big and small everyday topics. So your daily life can be better, lighter & happier. Discover my 45-minute 1:1 channeling via Zoom. 

Essi Koski-Lammi is an Inner Alignment Coach, Intuitive Healer, Channeler, and Interior Designer who started studying energy work and life coaching over 20 years ago. Now, she helps New Earth Creators create a conscious lifestyle to find their way home to themselves and unleash their true nature for life without limits. In her approach, she also brings her interior design skills into play, helping her clients create a home aligned with heart and soul.