Healing Home Group Coaching


From Home to Healing Home – 6-week Group Transformation Coaching via Video Call.

Open the door to a deep journey to find your way home to yourself and start transforming your home into a Healing Home. There will be two groups: one in English and another in Finnish. Once you sign up, Essi will contact you about which group you chose.

SKU: 100002-1 Category:


This pioneering group coaching is unlike anything you’ve experienced before. It is one of a kind, just like you. During this coaching, you will embark on a profound self-realization journey by transforming your home into a unique sanctuary that nurtures your authentic self. This transformation allows you to start living the life you currently dream about. The best part? It seamlessly connects interior design with intuitive healing – and with my help, you take the lead on decorating. 

There will be two groups: one in English and another one in Finnish.


English Group: Group gathers every Thursday, from August 29th – October 3rd, at 7 pm – 9 pm Finnish time

Suomi ryhmä: Kokoonnumme joka keskiviikko, 28. elokuuta – 2. lokakuuta, klo 19-21

Length of one session: 2 hours

Location: Google Meets video call.

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