How to prepare for the upcoming life transformation
The blue morning sky of Helsinki is greeting the sun that highlights the yellow leaves on the trees. I feel at peace, finally. Now I can write and talk about it as well, which means I feel healed. I feel whole. The past two months have guided me on a very different life path than I was a few months back: I let go of my old job, acted finally on my soul calling, and now I am fully focusing on ETTINORDIC. On top of that, I started a new beautiful relationship and decided to move countries. I have needed to hold onto my hat, as it has been a rollercoaster ride of emotions!
Our lives are made of bigger and smaller cycles, which we keep repeating until our souls have learned the lessons. After one cycle, you move on to the next one. Most of us have been in a situation when we intuitively knew that it is time to turn a new page in life. You knew that one of the big life lessons have come into culmination – and it was time to move into the next cycle of life: whether it is changing careers, starting or ending a relationship, moving to a new location, buying a house. It might feel it all happens in a blink of an eye – but when you look deeper, the previous cycles have prepared you for this moment. Once the timing and energy are right, the expectations are gone, you manifest the actual transformation in your life.
If you are connected to your intuition, you might have received the messages of the upcoming transition already a way ahead, even if the timing was not yet right. That’s what happened to me. All in all the process took much longer time than two months. One of the cycles took two years to go through, another four and one even 10 years! At the end of the cycles, I started to get hints that something new was coming up. As I listened to my intuition, I had more time to prepare for the new step. When for some people in my life, these changes came as a surprise, I was emotionally and spiritually ready to act on it.
This article is for all the dear Souls, who feel that a big transformation is coming up in their life – who currently are at the end of one cycle, in between two cycles or supporting someone preparing for a bigger change. I offer my advice and support on how I navigated through this all emotionally and spiritually.
Accept where you are.
Accept where you want to be.
Accept that you are not there yet.
Accept how you feel.
Accept how your body feels.
Accept your thoughts and emotions.
Accept everything you struggle with.
Nothing more is as important than to trust that everything is taken care of. Keep on trusting, in the darkest of hours, and even when the light shines on your path. Trust that everything has its right timing. Trust that you are supported by the spirit guides and the Universe (God, Source, you can call her any name!). Trust your intuition. Many of us have already learned the life lesson that things will work out. They always do. Trust that.
A year back I went for a spiritual coaching session as I wanted to talk about how I knew that my life was going to change, but I also knew that I was not there yet. At the end of this session, the coach told me that I had lost my trust. She kept repeating the word “trust” countless times. I started to feel tears in my eyes, as she had hit a weak spot of mine. The more she repeated the word, the more I cried and released my fears of trust. In that session I got to understand how important trust really is.
I wanted to push away my negative emotions. I did not want to feel sadness or even depressive thoughts. I did not want others to see that it took time in the mornings to get out of bed. I was grieving and letting go of my old lifestyle. I wanted to be strong and only feel joy and love, as that’s what it was all about, right? Wrong. The strongest people are those, who can show their vulnerability. The strongest people sit with their emotions – also the negative ones – and accept what they feel. Only from acknowledging and healing those emotions, you can fully move on.
There is a reason why the transition has not arrived yet – most of the time it is because you are not ready. If you feel that you are not ready, it would be wise to focus on your self-work. Meditate, practice yoga, do something new that creates new energy into your life, talk to someone, and live your life fully. You might need to peel off some energy layers of trauma, negative energy, or past life soul karma before it is time for you to move into the next cycle.
Healing soul karma takes time. Those are the situations your soul came to this planet to fix from previous lifetimes. Your soul wants to grow and this can be extremely painful and frustrating. Your heart and mind might have left the old situation – relationship, job, country, etc., but the karmic pattern still keeps you “stuck”. It takes practice to understand when you are dealing with a soul level karma, and how you should not mix that with excuses or your fear of change, for example.
Maybe you are ready, but the other souls involved are not. One night a few years back in my dream I was told that my future boyfriend is there for me, but he is still in another relationship that needs to come to an end before he will come to my life. I woke up feeling calm and thankful for this message.
Yes, the day will come when the energies are in place for the questions to be answered. The day will come that you know it is the right time. That is the day that all the windows and doors are fully open for you to create the change. Before that, if you think you know, or if you guess the answer, that’s your ego trying to speed up the process (and sure, sometimes we do need that!). But if you want to follow the best possible route for you, then I would advise facing the day when things open up and you are certain. How do you get to this clarity?
If you struggle with the situation and you feel your ego is taking over, step out of it and ask for clarity. State in your mind “Dear Universe, please give me clarity on this subject” and then go about your day and see what happens.
Dreams are there to be reached, otherwise, why would we have those? Know what you want, create a vision based on your deepest desires and hold onto it gently in your mind. Be open to receiving it – also in different forms, that usually are much better than what you thought you needed.
It can feel scary to hear your soul guiding you to go somewhere else than where you currently are. It also does feel strange that a change is coming up but you are not there yet, even if you want to be there already. My dear souls, remember the answers and time will come. Once that happens the actual decision-making and organizing everything happens fast and smoothly. Don't try to push through the door - walk from it, when it is open, or can be opened.
Updated 10/12/2021
Essi Koski-Lammi
Essi Koski-Lammi is an Interior Designer, Intuitive Healer, and Inner Alignment Coach with over 20 years of experience in energy work. She guides purpose-driven women and businesses to reconnect with their authentic essence through inner alignment coaching, strategic business channeling, and conscious interior design. Essi’s mission is to create harmony and beauty in both inner and outer spaces, allowing clarity, success, and well-being to flow naturally.

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