From Home to healing home


This pioneering group coaching is unlike anything you’ve experienced before. It is one of a kind, just like you. During this coaching, you will embark on a profound self-realization journey to your authentic self by transforming parts of your home into a unique sanctuary that nurtures your authenticity. This transformation allows you to start living the life you currently dream about. The best part? It seamlessly connects interior design with intuitive healing – and with my help, you take the lead on decorating. 

There will be two groups: one in English and another in Finnish.

This deep transformation work with Essi changed my life.

What If...

Dream with me for a sec

Imagine living a life where you can be yourself freely and visibly. You breathe love in, and exhale inner harmony. You are free from the chains of social expectationsYou don’t feel the urge to please others or push yourself to do things you don’t want to do. You let go of the masks, as you can be the one person who you deep down have always been—you. There’s also no pressure to be like others or follow the trends because you are enough, just as you are.  

Every time you enter your home, it welcomes you with a warm hug. You step into a heart-warming, unique sanctuary that deeply echoes your authenticity. Your nervous system relaxes in this safe, nurturing, tranquil, and calm space. It is filled with the energies of nature, to embrace your inner harmony, well-being and strengthen your connection with Mother Earth.

The space flows in harmony and at ease. You understand that your inner freedom is reflected in your living environment. Your home is beautiful, but not perfect, as it is better than that. It is enough. 

The Healing Home Is Your Mirror

When you look around your home, you see that your home mirrors you unconsciously or consciously. Since you spend 50-60% of your time in your home, its influence profoundly shapes your inner world, your future, and life right now. 

Every corner, piece of furniture, color, and decoration in your home carries energy, reflecting your thoughts, emotions, and desires. Because of this, you consciously select items and furniture that deeply uplift and empower you. When you encounter clutter, disorganization, or disharmony in your living space, you not only address the physical mess but also turn inward. You understand that it mirrors unresolved emotions, traumas, or areas within you that need attention.

This is the Healing Home—a space where your body, mind, and soul find harmony, your authenticity shines, and you live a life in a home that looks like you. 

Right now, you are only one step away from starting to transform your home into the Healing Home and find your way home to yourself.

If you hear the calling to open the door to this life, this 6-week live online group coaching program is for you! 

– The Finnish Group starts on Wednesday, August 28th at 7pm (Finnish time)

– The English Group starts on Thursday, August 29th at 7pm (Finnish time)

While I always knew the importance of being authentic, Essi's coaching transformed this understanding into a deeply embodied practice. I now dare to fully embrace and express my true self in public appearances. Essi helped me deeply understand that being myself is enough.

Essi is a unique coach and intuitive healer; I haven't met anyone like her. In her nurturing presence, you can surrender to looking deep within and transforming your fears into love.

The Harsh Truth Is...


Even though your home is nicely decorated, something feels off, and you can’t quite put your finger on it. It doesn’t fully feel like a true reflection of your essence. When you dare to look within, you see the same thing about you and your life.

When you look even deeper, you realize that you have lived according to others’ expectations, which has felt suffocating. This realization hits hard because, just like your home, your life feels like parts of it have been designed to someone else. Each day, you find yourself conforming to roles and responsibilities that don’t resonate with your true self, and the weight of it all is becoming unbearable.

This type of life no longer feels right or authentic. It leaves you feeling unseen, unheard, consumed and not good enough, yearning for more space within and around you to be yourself.

Deep down you desire to be seen for who you truly are and want others to acknowledge the impact you’re already making. You wish to cultivate a deeper connection with yourself and long to express yourself better. All you want is to be more you.

This longing is also reflected in your home. You yearn for a living space that looks beautiful and resonates deeply with your soul, making you feel completely at peace and authentically you. A space that feels right, where every corner tells a story and supports you in living a life that looks like you.

Essi’s sessions are always full of magic, powerful and so incredible

Pioneering Approach: Intuitive Healing x Conscious Interior Design


As an intuitive healer and conscious interior designer, I specialize in aligning spaces with heart & soul. But, during our coaching sessions, you & your intuition are the lead decorator, not me! You don’t need to have an “eye” for the design or be a professional designer. You are enough, just as you are. 

I teach and guide you on transforming aspects of your home into Healing Home, whether it’s through decluttering, energy cleansing, reorganizing, or adding new elements to your home. You receive from me uniquely tailored weekly homework where the real transformation happens. But, I will not create any specific design plans for you. 

Your Home Transformation

Through our work together, a part of your home undergoes a deep transformation, becoming a sanctuary where your Authentic self can truly shine, reflecting the alignment and inner transformation you’ve experienced.


You will not transform your entire home and we also won’t focus on specific rooms in this course; instead, you learn techniques you can apply to all rooms. During the coaching, you can choose to work on any room or area of your home that calls you to transform it – and it can change. If you want, you can also focus on a specific room.

Transformation Budget

You can align your home with your heart and soul without feeling financially burdened. It is entirely your choice how much you want to invest in this home decor transformation. If possible, I would still advise you to have a small interior design budget—it can be as little as 50 euros. If you decide to go with no budget, you just need to use even more of your creativity!

Step into the Loving Space of Intuitive Healing

Find your way home to yourself

In addition to interior design advice, you will journey within yourself to connect with your heart and soul, with me as your guide. You will receive transformation coaching, channeled messages, and intuitive healing from me and the spirit world so you can connect more with your Authentic Self and become visible. 

Rest assured, I’ll be there every step of the way, offering my support and guidance as you embark on this profound self-discovery and self-healing journey through your home.

When you work with me, you discover that my sessions can be really deep journeys, yet they are full of love and lightness, as I believe that we shouldn’t take life too seriously.

During inner journeys, you gain insight into life’s interconnectedness and deepen your connection to body, mind, soul, heart, intuition, and the spiritual realm. You return home to yourself.

As a channel of the higher consciousness, I deliver collective messages for this group, open your eyes to new perspectives, and help you transform old stories into new ones.

Essi's energy and presence are truly captivating.

During Those 6-Weeks...

WHAT you learn & Experience

Please note that this coaching program is tailored to the group’s needs, and some of the topics or experiences might change. 


→ You learn about the Healing Home and how to start transforming your home into one

→ You go through a powerful visualization where you experience your home as your dream home. You will receive a strong vision of what your heart & soul would like your home to look and feel like.

→ You do lots of inner work that is connected to your authenticity, so that you dare to be more you!


→ You learn about conscious decluttering (deeper than the Marie Kondo method). With this method, you let go of items at home that you have wanted to get rid of, AND you heal yourself.

→ You learn about non-toxic homes and, with the conscious decluttering method, know how to let go of items that are not good for the well-being of your body, mind, and soul. 

→ You learn about Healing Home decor and connect with the elements of nature at home. This might remind you of Feng Shui. However, it is not like that. 

→ You go through a deep soul-healing session(s) connected to your authenticity. You remove layers that block you from showing your authentic side.

→ You connect deeper with your soul and hear the whispers of your soul’s ancient wisdom. 

→ You create a unique space at home for you that nurtures your well-being.

→ You receive a remote, collective home blessing. 

And so much more!

Here's The Journey, We Go Through

The Weekly program

Please note, that this program might change. 

 Week 1:  Envision your life at the Healing Home. You step into a deep visualization journey, where you embody your home and yourself in full glory and full power. You connect with your dreams, deeper level needs and create a letter of manifestation of it all.

Week 2: Let go of the toxic home. See and transform the limits within you and at home that prevent you from living in the Healing Home. Learn about toxic home and prepare for a deep inner healing session.

Week 3: Decorate the newly created space within and at home. Connect with the elements of nature. 

Week 4: Meet your Authentic Self, your essence. Dive deep into your heart and soul to discover new aspects of your Authentic Self that yearn to be visible in your life. Prepare for a deep, yet beautiful inner journey.

Week 5: Create more space at home for your Authentic Self. Increase your self-care and create space for you at home to nurture this connection. 

Week 6: Your everyday life at Healing Home. We end the journey with going deeper into your everyday life at the Healing Home. We gather for a collective Home blessing and ending ritual.

What appeals to me is how Essi translates her spiritual approach into practical, actionable, and relatable language. After working with Essi, I am now able to help myself the way that I was not able to help myself ever before.

What To Expect After The Coaching

You create your results

As you are the creator of your life, you are the one, who creates the really specific results you would like to see in your life and at home. I’m here to support you on that. I cannot promise you anything, but, these are some of the things that you will experience during and after the coaching:

→ Your Home: You feel even more at home as it will become more authentic space that is tailored to your deeper heart and soul level needs. The vibe of your home will feel lighter.

→ Your Connection to Yourself: You connection to your heart and soul increases, making you feel more authentic. You dare to be more visible as you are and take care of yourself in a new way. 

→ Your Alignment: Your life becomes more aligned with your deeper heart and soul level needs. Step by step you start manifesting them into your reality by aligning your home and your inner world. 

→ Your Consciousness: Your consciousness raises, as you heal aspects of yourself during this coaching. You also get to see life from new perspectives, which raises your energy.

→ Your Everyday Life at Home: As you learn more about the Healing Home concept, the way you see your everyday life at home, transforms. You will never look at your home from the old perspective anymore. 


Essi is an intuitive and heartfull healer & a coach who guides you with magical touch through your inner Universe. She helps you transform those aspects of your life that no longer serve you. I highly recommend her services.

Listen to Your Intuition


Here’s a check list for being my soul client for this pilot group coaching:

You can be at any stage of your spiritual path.

You are ready to look deeper within and connect more with your authentic self.

You are ready to spend time on transforming your home into Healing Home.

You are open for what’s to come next on your path of healing. 

→ You want to be “more you” and better express your truth.

You are ready to work on yourself and release the old stories you keep recreating.

You want to receive practical, actionable yet loving and uplifting guidance in a safe environment.

This Pilot Group Coaching, Has A Pilot Price

WHAT's included & PRICE

When you work with me, you start to feel and see results within and around you already in the first session, due to the depth of the multidimensional method I use. The sessions are a combination of lectures, intuitive energy healing, transformation coaching, channeling higher consciousness, journaling, Healing Home decor theory, conscious decluttering and interior design advice. All sessions are always interactive.

I will organize two groups: in English and Finnish.

Here's What's Included During Those 6 Weeks

→ Weekly 2h group coaching session video call. All sessions are different and have a unique theme

Access to peer support Whatspp group

Weekly self-healing homework focusing on transforming your home. If you wish, you can get Essi’s feedback on your homework when you submit it before the next session

Weekly journaling prompts to dive deeper into your inner work on your own time

A pre- and after coaching self-assessment to track your own transformation

Your Commitment & What's Required of You

→ The coaching sessions are not recorded, so it is important that you commit to attending each live online session. 

→ Homework: In between the live online sessions, you will receive homework related to your home. It is up to you how much time and energy you want to spend on it, but on average, you should spend at least 1-2 hours weekly on the homework. Remember, this is about you transforming your home!

Journaling: In between the live online sessions, you also receive journaling prompts to go deeper into yourself. It is up to you how much time you want to spend on this. I would advise 15 minutes to 45 minutes.

→ When you commit to buying this coaching, you are making a deep-down commitment to yourself, which opens this journey to the next level. 

Bring Your Soul Friend: Get 10% Off

Wouldn’t it be nice to do this coaching with your good soul friend? If this resonates with you and you already know someone who would be a great fit, sign up for this coaching together!

If you bring your friend with you, you both get a 10% discount on the price. To receive the discount, please contact Essi directly at, and she will give you the discount code.

Pilot Price: Early Bird Offer, 222 EUR

As this is the very first time I am doing this coaching, I have a special pilot price for you.

Early Bird Price: 222 EUR. 

This price is valid till end of day 30th June, 2024. The price will increase after this date.

For the Exchange of the Special Price...

I would like to receive from you: 

1. A video testimonial (BUT, text version is also okay, if video is not your thing)

2. Pictures of before transformation and after it of your home (these don’t need to be dramatic before and after pictures; even the tiniest change that fulfills you is important for me). I will use them for marketing and sales

3. Honest, constructive feedback on the course, so that I can make it even better the next time

I will also use anonymously the data from the pre- and after coaching assessment file in marketing and sales.

Dates & Time

two different groups: FInnish & English

Finnish Group

→ Ensimmäinen live tapaaminen videopuhelun kautta on keskiviikkona, 28. elokuuta, 2024 klo 19.00 – 21.00 

→ Kokoonnumme sen jälkeen joka keskiviikko samaan aikaan, klo 19-21. 

→ Viimeinen live tapaaminen on 2. lokakuuta, 2024 klo 19.00.

English Group

→ The first live session via video call is on Thursday August, 29th, 2024 at 7pm Finland Time.

→ We will gather live every Thursday at the same time for two hours. 

→ The last session is on October, 3rd, 2024.

Essi made me see the possibilities in myself that I didn't see myself. Since the first session, I've felt a newfound sense of inner peace and trust in myself and my path forward. Essi's guidance helped me identify the key areas of focus that will lead me towards a happier, more fulfilling life.

I'm Essi Koski-Lammi


I’m an Inner Alignment Coach, Intuitive Healer, Channeler & Interior Designer – A New Earth Creator. My specialization is to help you find your way home to yourself and transform your home into the Healing Home:


IMAGINE finding your way home to yourself. Feel the magical power of nature flowing through you, urging you to be who you truly are and authentically live your life.

I know what it’s like to walk the path you’re on, as I’ve been there. I’ve traveled the world, journeyed within and gained knowledge from wise mentors.

Now, I’m here for you.

You don’t wanna hear this, but we both know that the biggest barrier on your journey is yourself.

Do you dare to unleash the power of nature within you?

All the Details & FAQs


→ The first live session via video call is on Thursday August, 29th, 2024 at 7pm Finland Time.

→ We will gather live every Thursday at the same time for two hours. 

→ The last session is on October, 3rd, 2024.

→ Ensimmäinen live sessio videopuhelun kautta on keskiviikkona, 28. elokuuta, 2024 klo 19.00 – 21.00 

→ Kokoonnumme sen jälkeen joka keskiviikko samaan aikaan, klo 19-21. 

→ Viimeinen sessio on 2. lokakuuta, 2024 klo 19.00.

There are 2 groups: one fully in English and one in Finnish.

You get to choose, which one calls you.

All sessions happen via Google meets video call.

As this is the very first time I am doing this coaching, I have a special price for you:

Early Bird Price: 222 EUR. 

This price is valid till end of day 30th June, 2024. The price will increase after this date.

The payment plan I offer:

50% paid immediately, 50% paid the next month.

If you would like more flexibility when paying the coaching, contact me directly via the contact page or email me at I will then set the payment plan for you and bill you directly. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!


Credit card, Debit card, Apple pay, Bancontact, iDeal, Klarna

This purchase is considered final and non-returnable. However, if you need to cancel, you can transfer or sell your spot to a friend or sign up to the next organized group.

Before booking, please read our terms and conditions.

Your authentic Self (True nature, Highest Self) is separate of your Ego Self or the Human Nature. It is your connection to your soul, Divine, the Universe and oneness. It’s the Source within you and around you. It’s your inner wisdom, and holds the soul level skills, knowledge and reflects your soul’s true purpose. It is who you are deep down, the eternal multidimensional spiritual being. It’s created from pure love consciousness and so it is never negative or bad, as the vibration is so high.

Yes, both change and transformation are hard because the old stories and behaviors are deeply programmed into your body, mind and soul. Facing these stories can be difficult, but I’m next to you, holding loving safe space for you, once you do that. The biggest work happens in your daily life, when you start to become conscious of the old and new ways. A step by step you then start to release these old ways and add new ways into your everyday life – and that transforms your life. It can be hard, but it is so rewarding seeing your dreams coming true. It’s worth it. Trust me. 

This is totally normal thing to feel. If you don’t feel ready, then ask yourself what would need to happen that you feel ready. Is that the truth or the excuse?
Usually, when you feel that you are not ready, there is a fear involved in the process, perhaps something that you are not ready to face, even if you know that is precisely what you should do. 

You can read my client testimonials HERE. 

I know how you feel! I have been there many times – and still am from time to time. But remember that this happens to everyone. It is a part of the process. The fear is coming to the surface so it can be transformed into love. So it is good to ask yourself: which one do I choose in this situation, fear or love?

You can read my client testimonials HERE. 

You don’t need to believe in unicorns, angels, spirit guides, etc. It took me a long time to truly believe in them. Only when I experienced and saw them was I able to 100% believe. But one does not even need to experience them to believe. All you need to do is to be open.

However, this coaching is not for you if you are not open to exploring the possibility that they exist.

Yes, of course! The healing home will be supporting all of you. And even when you align it only with your heart and soul, it is not taking anything away from others. Maybe some day, you can help those other people to align this same home with their hearts and souls.

This coaching is not for you, if one or many of the below points apply to you:

– you have a mental illness or need the help of a licenced therapist, psychiatrist, or any type of doctor.

– you are NOT ready to face yourself or work on yourself.

– you are not open to explore your consciousness and spiritual things that might be new to you: angels, dragons, unicorns, your soul origins, parallel lives etc.

– you don’t want to be a New Earth Creator. You can read more about New Earth Creators HERE.

The beauty of energy is that it can be accessed anywhere and at any time. For this reason, the healer or channeler does not need to be physically present during when it happens. The remote online session via video call affects you precisely the same way the face to face does. 

This is really up to you: nothing or as much as you want. We will talk about your situation at the start of the coaching.

I will not design your home or create any design plans for your home during this coaching. I help you align your home with your heart & soul. If you would like my help designing your home, check out my interior design services. 

It is for 6 weeks, so all in all 6 x 2 hours.

This is how much time the coaching takes weekly:

– 2h weekly Coaching call.

– 10-30 minutes on journaling.

– 15 min to 3h for homework. It also depends on how much time you want to spend time on this.

Before this journey, you will get a pre-coaching questionnaire to look within yourself. This questionnaire is also shared with Essi.

When the LIVE online session takes place, you should have privacy and be alone in the room where you take the video call. It is strongly recommended that you would create a sacred space in that room also (more about that when you sign up).

It is recommend that you take the video call via laptop if possible. But you can also use your mobile, if wanted. You should have pen and paper/notebook next to you. More instructions will be shared after the booking.

No. The sessions are not recorded. I strongly advice that you write down all messages you receive.

During this group coaching, I will open a Whatsapp group chat for all the participants. The purpose of this group chat is that you can connect with others, inspire and share about your journey. You can also ask questions from others and support others on their journeys. We are on this journey together!

When booking any of ETTINORDIC’s services, you agree with our disclaimer.

Essi is not a doctor or is not a licenced therapist. She does not have a degree in psychology or medicine. Therefore, she will not help people with a mental illness or who need the help of a licenced therapist, psychiatrist, or any type of doctor.

She is a certified transformation life coach, channeler, intuitive energy & angel healer (received apprentice training) and certified yoga teacher (hatha, vinyasa, yin) with over 20 years of experience in spirituality, energy healing, consciousness and mindfulness. 

Essi's empowering services strengthen and maintain my wellbeing and grow me as a person, helping me to see my problem areas clearer and access the things inside me that need transformation.