The Power of Surrender: Let Go of Control in Life
You are called by your true self to let go of control. It's time to step into your power, leave resistance and surrender. Read more.
How inner safety and energetic protection transform in 5D
You learn about how your inner safety and energetic protection transform in 5D consciousness, as you are asked to take your power back and recreate the way you feel safe.
How to unlock your inner power
How to unlock your inner power, that beautiful force within you that makes you the creator of your life and makes you achieve your dreams?
Understand and nurture your need for inner safety
This post talks about the need for inner safety in detail, as the concept is rather foreign for many people.
Create a Healing Home, Energy Work & Clearing, Healing Decor, Inner Safety, Unleash your true nature
6 ways to increase the feeling of inner safety at home
When you are conscious of your inner safety, it is everywhere. Turn this to your advantage and add elements in your home to support your safety within.