Life Transformation,  Needs & Inner Child Work,  Unleash your true nature

A channeled message on how to find clarity

With clarity, everything gets easier. It opens new doors, makes you free, and leaves confusion, stuckness, and uncertainty behind. When you are clear about what you want and need, everyone, including the Universe, picks up the energy. And delivers what you want and need to you. But how to find clarity, when we feel lost?

I know you would like to be in the space of clarity most of your life, and I would too, but that is not always so easy. Sometimes it is the easiest thing to decide – and to have clarity. Yet, other times it is so difficult to find it. You search, meditate, ask, read, and yet no answer comes to you. You live inside this foggy bubble that seems to be residing over your head, making you feel lost. The more circles you walk in the fog, the more lost you feel. Perhaps you also feel anxious, pressured and worried. In some cases, you might be even scared to find the answer, as that means you need to face one of your biggest fears that are currently stopping you from accessing clarity. 

You have a few options on how to find clarity

You have a few options. You can wait in the cloud until the fog goes away (because that will happen in some point) or make any decision that moves you in some new direction. Even the tiniest change in energy, creates a change around you. I bet you would move in some direction immediately if you knew where to go!

I know how you feel, and that is why I give you a tip on what to do.

The other day, my grandmother’s spirit showed up in my meditation when I searched for clarity on some specific business-related topic. 

She asked me if I remembered the saying that sometimes you need to travel far to see a close. 

And I replied that yes, I do remember it.

She then continued: Essi, you do not need to travel far. You can do the same in a meditative state. 


This is what she said:

  • In the meditation, imagine yourself living your life – and then see around you and your life the bubble where you are living.
  • Then guide yourself to step away from the bubble.
  • Take a few steps away from it – or walk as far as you need and look at your life from a distance. Remember that you are in a safe space – all is well. 
  • What do you see?
  • When you zoom into the problem you have, what comes up?
  • The answer is there, and so is the clarity if you allow yourself to see, hear or feel it.

And then and there, I heard the voice telling me the answer. 

Try this next time you search for clarity, but if still, after this meditation, you cannot see through your foggy mind – my 1:1 Coaching & Healing is something you might need. It helps you clear the fog, find clarity and take the next step.

Essi Koski-Lammi is an Inner Alignment Coach, Intuitive Healer, Channeler, and Interior Designer who started studying energy work and life coaching over 20 years ago. Now, she helps New Earth Creators create a conscious lifestyle to find their way home to themselves and unleash their true nature for life without limits. In her approach, she also brings her interior design skills into play, helping her clients create a home aligned with heart and soul.